If you visit my blog from time to time, you may have noticed that one of my last articles was about the possibility to analyze the log data of your
If you visit my blog from time to time, you may have noticed that one of my last articles was about the possibility to analyze the log data of your
If you have clicked on this article, it is not only due to this attractive title, but also because you have certainly asked yourself this question or simply because this
Since this year, Microsoft has put forward several new possibilities to add telemetry to all services. The first major change was the new functionality of Monitor, which has been released
Often when we set up a Business Application based on a Dataverse database, we are asked to make data available for reporting purposes or simply to feed a third-party database
When it comes to interfacing with another system, the possibilities are numerous and depend on many characteristics of the system, but also on performance, integration model, data, security, functional objectives,