A few requests for Environment Variables

It’s a small thing, a very fringe feature, and these improved features requests are only for me… or… crucial for everyone…?

The Environment Variables feature became officially released a year ago, probably when I was “off the grid” last year. I sort of missed that… but it’s here now anyway.

It’s like system settings, and is now supported by the core Power Platform. We don’t have to build…

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A few requests for Environment Variables ⋆ JonasR.app – the Trenches

It’s a small thing, a very fringe feature, and these improved features requests are only for me… or… crucial for everyone…? The Environment Variables feature became officially released a year ago, probably when I was “off the grid” last year. I sort of missed that… but it’s here now anyway.

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Jonas Rapp ᴹᴠᴾ ??

Author: Jonas Rapp ᴹᴠᴾ ??

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