We’ve all known the time would come when Outbound was deprecated, but the exact date hasn’t been public, until now!
June 30th 2025 is the last day Outbound will be in Customer Insights – Journeys!
If you or your customers are still using Outbound, you have to move to real-time marketing before July 1st 2025. How should you do this, Microsoft has you covered in the transition overview. Here you can also find the transition playbook which has a lot of useful information.
Be aware that Microsoft will also remove social posting and LinkedIn lead generation capabilities on December 2, 2024! So if you’re using either, you need to look for alternatives as they will stop working.
If you or your customers need some help with this, I’m more than happy to help, for a shorter or longer period of time.
Original Post https://malindonosomartnes.com/2024/08/13/the-final-death-of-outbound/