It was the year 2002, Microsoft was launching a mysterious and promising platform called .NET and in that year I had the responsibility of leading an important project to rewrite a large distributed application on top of this platform. In anticipation of this goal, I was sent to WPC, the most famous IT conference in Italy.
Years (and projects) have passed since then, and after a few years I participated for the first time as a speaker to this conference presenting a session on the “modernization” of an ERP with .NET and cloud services (a risky topic in a developers’ conference).
And now? Well yes… it’s time to return to WPC! At the end of November I will be in #WPC2024 in Assago with two sessions that I hope will be “open minded” for many:
This first session is for cloud architects and it’s focused on the creation of high performance workflows with Azure Logic Apps (we’ll see some very nice new things).
This second session talks about ERP again (#msdyn365bc): why not extend the #AI capabilities of Dynamics 365 Business Central using frameworks like #SemanticKernel?
We’ll talk about these topics in Assago from 26 to 28 November.
26, 27 e 28 Novembre 2024
NH Milano Congress Centre
Powered by OverNet
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