Hello everyone,
The other day i was thinking about a fun thing to do but which could be useful in some use cases.
My mind ended up on a livefeed of actions which happen in the CRM. A fully configurable one so it can be used by anyone without technical background.
Nothing revolutionary here but what is interesting in that solution is also the concepts behind the Livefeed solution.
We are talking about this : (see in fullscreen)
Pre-requistes :
A CRM instance which have a version 9.0 minimum since it’s using multi OptionSet fields which were introduced with this version.
To download the solution please go to our release page on github and you also have the wiki which is a summary of that article.
For any feedbacks, issues to raise, feel free to log it into the github repo : here
How is the solution managed ?
The solution contains 2 custom entities, some webresources, plugins, 2 security roles and that’s it (besides the manual configuration of what you want)!
Here is the form related to the creation/update/deletion of a livefeed configuration
As you can see, you can find all points listed above on the form.
Once you saved or updated that configuration, in the background the solution will handle automatically the addition or deletion of a SDK message to manage, change the async to sync mode or opposite and so on.
Here is a sample of Livefeed event record :
and if you deicded to keep the history on the related configuration record:
a table which display the previous and new values for each attributes concerned by the action.
Within the managed solution, you have access to two predefined dashboards :
There are today 3 security roles
To have access to the solution in order to configure it on your CRM instance, please go to our release page on github and you also have the wiki which is a summary of that article.
Hoping that you will have fun or improve the goals of your users with this solution.
Enjoy and do not hesitate to reach me on github for ideas to add or issues to fix !
Happy CRM’ing,
Original Post https://stuffandtacos.azurewebsites.net/2019/01/29/livefeed-of-your-crm-actions/