Hello!!!!! Thanks for being here….right….here ☞ ⬤ ☜ .
It's always been in my nature to help improve things. Or try to help anyway.
From my own personal life hacks to things in business. It is one of the reasons why I love the roles and purpose of HR teams and Business Analysts.
I've been looking around lately and watching some good ol Ted Talks, and I wanted to share some of the ones I found really compelling. So I've put together in this post the top 5 talks that I found myself nodding away to.
One that I found the most agreeable, and also quite bizarre in the sense that I don't know why industries wouldn't already do this, (see below) was a great Ted Talk by Diana Dosik. Diana is an Executive Coach and Team/Organizational Consultant and she talks about how we spend trillions on making sure our customer's journeys are understood and at a high standard, but we spend 10 times less than that on making sure we understand our employee's needs and journeys. She believes it would be greatly beneficial to use the same tool kit to understand our employees, in order to create a better and happier workforce. I mean, why don't we do that?!?!?! I don't even feel like it needs a great deal of fancy technology to use this so-called toolkit!
Definitely watch it, I think it's a very insightful session.
Hamdi Ulukaya is the Founder & CEO of the companies; Chobani, La Colombe, Tent Partnership, and UNSTUCK. He has also just become one of my favourite people. What a wonderful human being. You can tell how much gratitude he has for the people he works with and he seems to have this fantastic ability to produce inspiring one-liners with every other sentence, which I love. I don't know if I'm convinced that every business can run in the way he talks about, but aiming to be as close as possible would still be a great win.
'The anti-CEO playbook' – I think that should be the title of his autobiography.
⓷ Gitte Frederiksen | LinkedIn
Gitte Frederiksen is a Partner at Boston Consulting Group and previously a Project Leader and Teacher. She speaks in such a clear and simple manner and I love that she has hand gestures for everything she says. Made my eyes, ears and brain stay in sync throughout her entire session. I like what Gitte has suggested and having a leadership network would definitely give people confidence in their work, team building, decision making, and in themselves, but who takes on the difficult tasks of letting someone go? How is someone managed in regards to development and escalations? And how are salary bands defined? I'd be interested to know more about this concept.
I found this article from 2016 on the Pyschlopaedia site by Professor Giles Hirst, regarding leadership networks within an organisation. Have a read and see what you think.
Juliet Schor is an American economist and Sociology Professor at Boston University. She mentions in this talk that she has studied "work since the 1980's". This topic of a 4-day work week, I was most skeptical about…until I heard the mention of 'climate change'. The four-day working week is definitely an interesting and exciting concept for most employees I imagine and Juliet Schor brings up some great points. I do wonder what the downsides will be however…and will self-employed people be able to have the same concept applied to their working hours?
Here is an article from weforum.org that mentions an experiment the UK is doing now regarding the four-day work week and how it's going so far.
Ted also has seasons of talks!! It's like a box set! So for number 5, I included the whole lot! There is a short talk in there (season 1) about an alternative way of applying for jobs and assessing applicants.
Have a watch of some other tips on great ways of working ⬇ four seasons!
I hope you found this post interesting and insightful. I know that it's not an easy subject and that other factors in business DO NEED to be high priority. It would be a shame and disappointing to see a business fall because they were trying to keep everyone happy too much or too quickly, and nobody wants that, but at least talking about these things is a start.
Let me know what your thoughts are on some of these Ted Talk points above.
I'd also love to hear any other ideas or other proven concepts that can allow organisations to improve and make sure the well-being of their employees is at the forefront of business priorities across the globe.
Thanks for reading/ listening!
Check Laura Webb’s original post https://laurawebbportfolio.wixsite.com/webbsidestory/post/that-s-just-the-way-it-is on laurawebbportfolio.wixsite.com which was published 2023-02-18 12:36:00