In CRM as a developer sometime we need to see permission
given to Security role.
Dynamics CRM/365 we need to open security role to check permission
in that security role.
But there is no provision to export Security role permission.
Study: –
Developer X is working in an organization as support
engineer. He was not part of implementation team.
User requested role given in each security role permission in
excel sheet.
It is time consuming job to open each security role and make excel
sheet manually with all permission.
Solution: –
To tackle this case study, I have created a XrmToolBox Plugin
which help Developer X.
User can see permission given in each security
role to entity.
User can see Miscellaneous Privileges.
User can export all Privileges based on
selected Security role.
Install “Export
Security Role” Plugin in your XRMTollBox using plugin store.
If you are not able to find “Export Security Role” in Xrmtoolbox.
Use below links
And download plugin from here. Install in XRMToolBox by
clicking Settings->Path->Storage folder->Plugin folder.
Copy assemblies in Plugin folder.
Connect your organization and open plugin Export Security Role.
Click on “Retrieve Roles”
and select your security Role.
Now you will see list of all security roles in role list.
Now when you select any security role it will show all Privileges
for selected security role.
If need to search specific entity enter logical name in
search box.
Click on Export
button to export privileges in excel.
As a result, you will see a excel file with Security role
name is create with all privileges.
Now Developer X will easily able to find and share permission
based on security role.
Note: – Plugin
based on .net framework 4.5.2. Microsoft office required to export result.
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