Having read this nice tip from Ankita Chavan posted here https://crmtipoftheday.com/1351/flows-not-triggering-after-an-environment-copy/ it did not resolve our problem. Our instance was not in administration mode and it still did not work. This forced me to create a ticket with Microsoft to solve this issue.
Here are the troubleshooting notes:
– you have flows with a CDS trigger
– none of them are working
– the flows are team flows – connection owned by a different user
– we have created a new CDS flow – it worked
– we have exported an old CDS flow and used the current user’s connection and it worked
– you remembered you have copied another org over the current environment
Delete the trigger and recreate it
Internally it was checked with MS team and it seems since it’s a CDS trigger copying another environment over the current one will not be supported for the trigger.
What will happen if you copy a different environment over, first all the triggers will be deleted and the other’s environment’s triggers will be copied on top of this.
So a copy with flows is not supported at the moment.
Then as a workaround if this happens what you can do is delete the triggers you have in that CDS and disable/enable the flows again to recreate the triggers.
Original Post https://code2life.blogspot.com/2020/07/flows-not-triggering-after-environment.html