As you know the recent Recruitment add-on for Dynamics 365 Human Resources was delivered not to long ago. I've started to play around with it. I'm presenting this series of small articles where I walk you through the navigation and how to start using it.
Now we will review how to add candidates. First of let's navigate to the section and add one:
Now that we have done it, let's dive into one of the candidates that of course is going to be Jules ❤️
Let's start with the main details. As you can see below there are many fields completed. It's very clear that this is a model-driven app. User experience might not be the best, but it does the job: function over design, bitteschön.
Fields include Name, Address, Candidate type and Skills.
When we change to the Work and Education more cool stuff appears – and not only because I've chosen a cool rockstar. We can add entries on work and education, and include details to make the most out of the candidate profile.
Let's go into Documents, here I added only a CV but you can add other stuff like documents, reference letter, background check, and anything else you can think of.
If we select the File hyperlink it will download the CV – ignore the inacurate info in the document below it's just for illustration purposes.
For now we wont dive into the Applications tab, but keep an eye in my blog. I'll be sharing all the info within the recruiting app.
Beware that you can also add candidates by bulk using Excel, export, add an import. It takes a couple of minutes to load, I was impatient and ended up with duplicated records.
Want to know more? Go to the link below and find out how
Set up the HR Recruiting app (preview) – Human Resources | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Learn
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