Testing Compatibility Between Runtime and Application Version in Business Central Builds

James PearsonBusiness Central6 months ago10 Views


Recently I got stung by this. As a rule we keep the application version in app.json low (maybe one or two versions behind the latest) so that it can be installed into older versions of Business Central. Of course this is a balance – we don’t want to have to support lots of prior versions and old functionality which is becoming obsolete (like the Invoice Posting Buffer redesign, or the new pricing experience which has been available but not enabled by default for years). Having to support multiple Business Central features which may or may not be enabled is not fun.

On the other hand, Microsoft are considering increasing the length of the upgrade window so it is more likely that we are going to want to install the latest versions of our apps into customers who are not on the latest version of Business Central.

Runtime Versions

But that wasn’t really the point of the post. The point is, there are effectively two properties in app.json which define the minimum version of Business Central required by your app.

  • application: the obvious one. We mostly have this set a major prior to the latest release unless there are specific reasons to require the latest
  • runtime: the version of the AL runtime that you are using in the app. When new features are added to the AL language (like ternary operators – who knew a question mark could provoke such passionate arguments?), as, is, and this keywords, or multiple extensions of the same object in the same project

If you want to use cool new features of the language (and we do, right? Us devs love this stuff) then you need to increase the runtime version in app.json. But, you need to be aware that you are effectively also increasing the minimum version required by your app. Even if you aren’t using anything new in the base and system applications. This is the table of currently available runtime versions: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/business-central/dev-itpro/developer/devenv-choosing-runtime#currently-available-runtime-versions


I didn’t want to get caught out by this again so I added a step into our pipeline to catch it. The rule I’ve gone with is, the application version must be at least 11 major version numbers higher than the runtime version. If it isn’t then fail the build. In that case we should either make a conscious decision to raise the application version or else find a way to write the code that doesn’t require raising the runtime version. Either way, we should make a decision, not sleep walk into raising our required application version.

Why 11? This is because runtime 1.0 was released with Business Central 12.0. Each subsequent major release of Business Central has come with a new major release of the runtime (with a handful of runtime releases with minor BC releases thrown in for good measure).

The step is pretty simple ($appJsonPath is a variable which has been set earlier in the pipeline).

  - pwsh: |
      $appJson = Get-Content $(appJsonPath) -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
      $runtimeVersion = [Version]::Parse($appJson.runtime)
      $applicationVersion = [Version]::Parse($appJson.application)

      if ($applicationVersion -lt [version]::new($runtimeVersion.Major + 11, $runtimeVersion.Minor)) {
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "##vso[task.logissue type=error;]Runtime version ($runtimeVersion) is not compatible with application version ($applicationVersion)."
        throw "Runtime version ($runtimeVersion) is not compatible with application version ($applicationVersion)."
    displayName: Test runtime version

Check james’s original post https://jpearson.blog/2024/08/20/testing-compatibility-between-runtime-and-application-version-in-business-central-builds/ on jpearson.blog which was published 2024-08-20 17:11:00

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