Updating PCF Controls to support new UI

In this post, I will share my experience updating one “Lookup to Optionset” PCF control I developed a while ago. You can check the video and/or source code if you are unfamiliar with it. Let’s check Microsoft Learn Here are a few articles and examples you can check for educational purposes: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-apps/developer/component-framework/fluent-modern-theming…

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Updating PCF Controls to support new UI – Andrew Butenko’s Blog

In this post, I will share my experience updating one “Lookup to Optionset” PCF control I developed a while ago. You can check the video and/or source code if you are unfamiliar with it. Let’s check Microsoft Learn Here are a few articles and examples you can check for educational purposes: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-apps/developer/component-framework/fluent-modern-theming https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-apps/developer/component-framework/sample-controls/modern-theming-api-control https://github.com/microsoft/PowerApps-Samples/tree/master/component-framework/FluentThemingAPIControl I …

Blog Syndicated with Andrew Butenko’s Permission

Author: Andrew Butenko

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