A Manager’s Guide to Location Intelligence in Microsoft Dynamics 365 / Dataverse!

The life of a manager is a constant balancing act. You juggle team performance, handle client needs, and strategize for the future, all while ensuring efficiency and maximizing results. But what if there was a tool that could streamline your workflow, provide valuable insights, and empower you to make data-driven decisions? Enter Maplytics, the powerful Dynamics 365 and maps integration application and Certified Software on Microsoft AppSource that transforms how managers operate across various industries.

Seeing the Bigger Picture: Visualizing Your Territory

For many managers, their success hinges on understanding their…

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Inogic is one of the leading Microsoft Dynamics 365 ISV since 10+ years. Its flagship product Maplytics™ is a market leading certified (CfMD) geo-analytical mapping app. Maplytics empowers Dynamics CRM users across industries with the power of geographical data visualization, route optimization and along the route search with turn-by-turn directions, appointment planner, locational search by radius and shapes with drill-down filters and color-coded pushpins, heat maps, shape layers & territory management.
Inogic is renowned for its high quality and low-cost offshore development services and productivity apps like InoLink: QuickBooks + Dynamics CRM, User Adoption Monitor, Attach2Dynamics, Alerts4Dynamics Click2Export, Click2Clone, Kanban Board, SharePoint Security Sync, Lead Automation & Distribution, Map My Relationships, Auto Tax Calculator, Subscription and Recurring Billing and Marketing4Dynamics.

Author: Inogic

Inogic is one of the leading Microsoft Dynamics 365 ISV since 10+ years. Its flagship product Maplytics™ is a market leading certified (CfMD) geo-analytical mapping app. Maplytics empowers Dynamics CRM users across industries with the power of geographical data visualization, route optimization and along the route search with turn-by-turn directions, appointment planner, locational search by radius and shapes with drill-down filters and color-coded pushpins, heat maps, shape layers & territory management.   Inogic is renowned for its high quality and low-cost offshore development services and productivity apps like InoLink: QuickBooks + Dynamics CRM, User Adoption Monitor, Attach2Dynamics, Alerts4Dynamics Click2Export, Click2Clone, Kanban Board, SharePoint Security Sync, Lead Automation & Distribution, Map My Relationships, Auto Tax Calculator, Subscription and Recurring Billing and Marketing4Dynamics.

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