Resource Roles and adding Role Prices to Cost and Sales Price List in Project Operations

Now that in the previous blog posts of this series, the Organization Units, Cost Price and Sales Prices were setup – Setting Up Default Organizational Unit, Cost and Sales Price List in Project Operations Lite, let’s look at what Roles (or Resource Roles) are and how you can add them to the Price Lists Resource Roles … Continue reading Resource Roles and adding Role Prices to Cost and Sales…

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Resource Roles and adding Role Prices to Cost and Sales Price List in Project Operations

Now that in the previous blog posts of this series, the Organization Units, Cost Price and Sales Prices were setup – Setting Up Default Organizational Unit, Cost and Sales Price List in Project Operations Lite, let’s look at what Roles (or Resource Roles) are and how you can add them to the Price Lists Resource Roles…

Blog Syndicated with priyeshwagh777’s Permission

Author: Priyesh Wagh

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