{How to} enable new features release channel selector on Power Platform Admin Center

Hello Everyone,

Today i am going to show how to select the release channel selector for Power Platform Admin Center.

Let’s get’s started.
Suppose your organisation want to enable new release features monthly channel or semi-annual channel then you need to select the changes on the Power Platform Admin Center.
How do you do that on Power Platform Admin Center?
Select the environment and click on “Settings”.

Then expand Products and click on the Behavior 
You can see the Release channel with Semi-annual channel or Monthly channel.
You can select based on your decision to release the new features either Monthly or Semi-annual  channel.
If monthly channel is enabled, new end user impacting features are released each month automatically with the YYMM.1 build. Validation is available on the build one month earlier. 
Note: If the features are released in July 2023, all features released will be appear as July 2023.

Feature Build is when the feature…

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Author: Malla Reddy Gurram

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