How to display a Power Apps | Canvas app in full screen without the title bar?

Recently, I was asked to open a PowerApps | Canvas app without the title bar at the top of the screen. After some research, I found an answer from matthew devaney that proposed to add the “&hidenavbar=true” parameters to the URL of the application. This works perfectly and allows us to hide the title bar.

Today, I’m going to present a method that will allow us to achieve the same need…

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How to display a Power Apps | Canvas app in full screen without the title bar?

Recently, I was asked to open a PowerApps | Canvas app without the title bar at the top of the screen. After some research, I found an answer from matthew devaney that proposed to add the “&hidenavbar=true” parameters to the URL of the application. This works perfectly and allows us to hide the title bar….

Blog Syndicated with Mehdi El Amri’s Permission

Author: Mehdi El Amri

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