How to Create Buttons with Icons within PCF (using Font-Awesome)

I’ve noticed that people in the PowerApps community have been having trouble using image resources within their custom PCF controls, so I thought I would look at a simple but novel approach for customizing your buttons and icons.

If you aren’t familiar with font-awesome they let you search from a catalog of great looking icons that you embed within your web apps.

In the following…

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How to Create PCF Buttons using Font-Awesome Icons #powerappscomponentframework #pcfcontrols

I’ve noticed that people in the PowerApps community have been having trouble using image resources within their custom PCF controls, so I thought I would look at a simple but novel approach for customizing your buttons and icons. If you aren’t familiar with font-awesome they let you search from a catalog of great looking icons that you embed within your web apps.

Blog Syndicated with Andrew Ly’s Permission

Author: Saurav Dhyani

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