Episode 34: What's the best way to consume Dynamics 365 data and functionality?

In the past, whenever we approached a Dynamics 365 Solution we never really thought about the client/medium the user would use to access the functionality and data. We led entire implementations from the perspective of the Web Client and other available clients were always an afterthought.

With the improvements on the Mobile clients and the introduction of new mediums to access the information…

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CRM MVP Podcast: Episode 34: What’s the best way to consume Dynamics 365 data and functionality?

In the past, whenever we approached a Dynamics 365 Solution we never really thought about the client/medium the user would use to access the functionality and data. We led entire implementations from the perspective of the Web Client and other available clients were always an afterthought.

Blog Syndicated with Gus Gonzalez’s Permission

Author: Gus Gonzalez

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