Dynamics 365 Business Central: something more about dependency propagation

One week ago I’ve written a post about the new “proxy app” (Microsoft.Application.app file) introduced with the 15.3 version (you can read the post here). This app uses a new property called propagateDependencies that permits you to specify whether the dependencies of this project should be propagated as direct dependencies of projects that depend on this one.

As you can imagine, this is…

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Dynamics 365 Business Central: something more about dependency propagation

One week ago I’ve written a post about the new “proxy app” (Microsoft.Application.app file) introduced with the 15.3 version (you can read the post here). This app uses a new property called propagateDependencies that permits you to specify whether the dependencies of this project should be propagated as direct dependencies of projects that depend on this…

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Author: Stefano Demiliani

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