Dependent OptionSet in Dynamics CRM V9

It is known that for the moment there is no way to set up a dependency between two OptionSet fields with OOB functionalities. It is possible to implement this scenario using JavaScript code as the field type used is OptionSet. We could have implemented it with a simple configuration if the Field type were a LookUp.


Let’s take the following example:
– OptionSet A with the…

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Dependent OptionSet in Dynamics CRM V9

It is known that for the moment there is no way to set up a dependency between two OptionSet fields with OOB functionalities. It is possible to implement this scenario using JavaScript code as the field type used is OptionSet. We could have implemented it with a simple configuration if the Field type were a LookUp….

Blog Syndicated with Mehdi El Amri’s Permission

Author: Mehdi El Amri

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