Add Missing Prefix to Purchase Order Number in Continia Software’s Document Capture

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business CentralI’ve been doing some work with a client recently, helping them implement Document capture (DC) from Continia Software. One of the queries which cam eup, was how to add a prefix onto a purchase order number.

The issue was that they were sending purchase orders out with a company specific prefix (e.g. FAB- for Fabrikam, Inc. or CRO- for Cronus UK, Ltd.), but when the invoice came in, the…

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Add Missing Prefix to Purchase Order Number in Continia Software’s Document Capture

I’ve been doing some work with a client recently, helping them implement Document capture (DC) from Continia Software. One of the queries which cam eup, was how to add a prefix onto a purchase order ‎…

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Ian Grieve

Author: Ian Grieve

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