Working with Git Branches in Visual Studio 2019

Continuing our previous posts, let us now see how we can work with branches within Visual Studio 2019. Branches give the option to isolate the work from the original code base, this way we could have a developer(s) working on bug fixes, new features etc. which then can be merged back to the master branch … Continue reading “Working with Git Branches in Visual Studio 2019”

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Working with Git Branches in Visual Studio 2019

Continuing our previous posts, let us now see how we can work with branches within Visual Studio 2019. Branches give the option to isolate the work from the original code base, this way we could have a developer(s) working on bug fixes, new features etc. which then can be merged back to the master branch…

Blog Syndicated with Nishant Rana’s Permission

Author: Nishant Rana

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