#Shorts — Using Public Nuget Packages in Azure Synapse

#Shorts — Using Public Nuget Packages in Azure Synapse

Supercharge C# Code in your Synapse Workspace

Photo by Markus Spiske

If you have used Notebooks in Azure Synapse, you will likely have realised that C# has been an option for a while now, but many people are not aware that you can also consume public Nuget packages (as it stands private packages are not supported yet).

Very often the…

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#Shorts - Using Public Nuget Packages in Azure Synapse

If you have used Notebooks in Azure Synapse, you will likely have realised that C# has been an option for a while now, but many people are not aware that you can also consume public Nuget packages (as it stands private packages are not supported yet).

Blog Syndicated with Mark Cunningham’s Permission

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Kieran Holmes

Author: Kieran Holmes

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