Secure the receiving Flow for Actionable Messages requests

The HTTP POST URL of the ‘When an HTTP request is received’ trigger in Power Automate Flows is a public endpoint, so you need to secure it.
There are several options to secure the receiving Flow for Actionable Messages requests:

  1. Enable Schema validation in the settings of the trigger
  2. Add Trigger conditions based on Headers keys
  3. Compare correlationId from Headers with the original one


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Secure the receiving Flow for Actionable Messages requests – There’s Something About Dynamics 365

Posted by The HTTP POST URL of the ‘When an HTTP request is received’ trigger in Power Automate Flows is a public endpoint, so you need to secure it.There are several options to secure the receiving Flow for Actionable Messages requests: Enable Schema validation in the settings of the trigger Add Trigger conditions based on Headers keys Compare correlationId from Headers with the original one The first option is easy to set and will validate the request body against the schema provided.

Blog Syndicated with StefanS365’s Permission

Author: Stefan Strube

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