[QuickTip] How to use setVisible within TypeScript

One of my colleagues recently approached me and asked how one could use the function “setVisible” on a Dataverse control in TypeScript. The function is present in JavaScript but when trying to use it in TypeScript he got an error.

SetVisible error
SetVisible Error

The reason for that is that setVisible is not exposed in the Xrm type definitions. Since it is there in JavaScript (as you can see in the

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[QuickTip] How to use setVisible within TypeScript ” Benedikt’s Power Platform Blog

One of my colleagues recently approached me and asked how one could use the function “setVisible” on a Dataverse control in TypeScript. The function is present in JavaScript but when trying to use it in TypeScript he got an error. The reason for that is that setVisible is not exposed in the Xrm type definitions.

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Author: Benedikt Bergmann

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