Perform actions on the host model-driven form from embedded canvas app using ModelDrivenFormIntegration control in Dynamics 365

Let us continue our previous example of embedding the canvas app within the model-driven app and extend it to perform actions on the host form using ModelDrivenFormIntegration control. This ModelDrivenFormIntegration control acts as a bridge and brings the contextual data from the host model-driven form to the embedded canvas app. Here we will look at … Continue reading “Perform actions on the…

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Perform actions on the host model-driven form from embedded canvas app using ModelDrivenFormIntegration control in Dynamics 365

Let us continue our previous example of embedding the canvas app within the model-driven app and extend it to perform actions on the host form using ModelDrivenFormIntegration control. This ModelDrivenFormIntegration control acts as a bridge and brings the contextual data from the host model-driven form to the embedded canvas app.

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Author: Nishant Rana

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