Microsoft Dynamics GP VBA Showing as Locked

Microsoft Dynamics GPI was asked to help a customer with a new Microsoft Dynamics GP client installation as they were encountering some issues with some old VBA customisations. Hearing it was a new server, I wondered if the problem was that they had used Windows Server 2019, on which VBA customisations will not work and will actually cause Dynamics GP to crash immediately.

However, when I delved into the issue…

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Microsoft Dynamics GP VBA Showing as Locked

I was asked to help a customer with a new Microsoft Dynamics GP client installation as they were encountering some issues with some old VBA customisations. Hearing it was a new server, I wondered if the problem was that they had used Windows Server 2019, on which VBA customisations will not work and will actually cause Dynamics GP to crash immediately.

Blog Syndicated with azurecurve’s Permission

Author: Ian Grieve

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