Internationalizing a ClassicPress plugin: Localizing a string including notes for the translator

ClassicPress PluginsThis post is part of the sub-series on Internationalizing a ClassicPress plugin which is part of the Internationalizing a ClassicPress plugin series.

The esc_html_x function is very similar to the esc_html__ one, but has the addition of a comment section where context for the translator can be supplied. This is sometimes beneficial to use as the English language has words and phrases which can…

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Internationalizing a ClassicPress plugin: Localizing a string including notes for the translator

This post is part of the sub-series on Internationalizing a ClassicPress plugin which is part of the Internationalizing a ClassicPress plugin series. The esc_html_x function is very similar to the esc_html__ one, but has the addition of a comment section where context for the translator can be supplied.

Blog Syndicated with Ian Grieve’s Permission

Author: Ian Grieve

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