How to implement a radius-based location search for your Dynamics 365 CRM records

Radius-based location search within Dynamics 365 CRM is like hitting the bull’s eye in the game of arrows. The bull’s eye in Maplytics’ proximity search is the current location of the user. The concentric circles around it define the distance of the CRM records from the current location or the bull’s eye and the arrow drawn is the distance to the record the user picks up for travel.

Let us see how this works!

Proximity by Distance

Noel is a sales rep working for Brannica and Co. His last two meetings for the day got canceled so he has some free time at hand. Noel is at the location of his last meeting which he can input…

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More About This Author

Inogic is one of the leading Microsoft Dynamics 365 ISV since 10+ years. Its flagship product Maplytics™ is a market leading certified (CfMD) geo-analytical mapping app. Maplytics empowers Dynamics CRM users across industries with the power of geographical data visualization, route optimization and along the route search with turn-by-turn directions, appointment planner, locational search by radius and shapes with drill-down filters and color-coded pushpins, heat maps, shape layers & territory management.
Inogic is renowned for its high quality and low-cost offshore development services and productivity apps like InoLink: QuickBooks + Dynamics CRM, User Adoption Monitor, Attach2Dynamics, Alerts4Dynamics Click2Export, Click2Clone, Kanban Board, SharePoint Security Sync, Lead Automation & Distribution, Map My Relationships, Auto Tax Calculator, Subscription and Recurring Billing and Marketing4Dynamics.

Author: Inogic

Inogic is one of the leading Microsoft Dynamics 365 ISV since 10+ years. Its flagship product Maplytics™ is a market leading certified (CfMD) geo-analytical mapping app. Maplytics empowers Dynamics CRM users across industries with the power of geographical data visualization, route optimization and along the route search with turn-by-turn directions, appointment planner, locational search by radius and shapes with drill-down filters and color-coded pushpins, heat maps, shape layers & territory management.   Inogic is renowned for its high quality and low-cost offshore development services and productivity apps like InoLink: QuickBooks + Dynamics CRM, User Adoption Monitor, Attach2Dynamics, Alerts4Dynamics Click2Export, Click2Clone, Kanban Board, SharePoint Security Sync, Lead Automation & Distribution, Map My Relationships, Auto Tax Calculator, Subscription and Recurring Billing and Marketing4Dynamics.

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