Experiences with profile cards in Dynamics 365 v.9.1

Today I was testing out the profile cards feature and analysed how Microsoft implemented it as there is only little information to find on docs.microsoft.com, like this article:

While using the profile cards I experienced a behavior that was not really self-explanatory for me and my colleagues….

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Experiences with profile cards in Dynamics 365 v.9.1

Today I was testing out the profile cards feature and analysed how Microsoft implemented it as there is only little information to find on docs.microsoft.com, like this article: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/customerengagement/on-premises/admin/enable-profile-card While using the profile cards I experienced a behavior that was not really self-explanatory for me and my colleagues.

Blog Syndicated with Andreas Cieslik’s Permission

Author: Andreas Cieslik

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