Dynamics 365 Portal – Authentication Deep Dive (Part 3) – Using the Third Party Auth Providers

In the previous post, we have discussed how to configure Azure AD B2C using the Open ID Connect method. One of the challenges that I had in my past experience is that the client has a strict requirement of data residency, due to the sensitivity of their business. Therefore, they are considering some 3rd party options that have their solution deployed in Australian data centre. Some of the…

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Dynamics 365 Portal – Authentication Deep Dive (Part 3) – Using the Third Party Auth Providers

In the previous post, we have discussed how to configure Azure AD B2C using the Open ID Connect method. One of the challenges that I had in my past experience is that the client has a strict requirement of data residency, due to the sensitivity of their business.

Blog Syndicated with Andre Margono’s Permission

Author: Andre Margono

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