29 – Done with the PowerApps Solution Checker

Can you use a definition of done for a sprint?

In Scrum Dynamics 29, I outline six ideas for a definition of done for a user story and three ideas for a definition of done for a sprint.

According to the Scrum Guide, the definition of done helps us agree on when a product backlog item is complete. A sprint, on the other hand, is a time-boxed event so it’s done when the time is up.

But my teams…

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29 – Done with the PowerApps Solution Checker

Can you use a definition of done for a sprint? In Scrum Dynamics 29, I outline six ideas for a definition of done for a user story and three ideas for a definition of done for a sprint. According to the Scrum Guide, the definition of done helps us agree on when a product backlog item is complete.

Blog Syndicated with Neil Benson’s Permission

Author: Neil Benson

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